Rove: "I am a source, not a target"

Above photograph from Crooks and Liars, who caption it:
"In this photograph taken in June 2003, Karl Rove, senior advisor to President Bush and Robert Novak are pictured together at a party marking the 40th anniversary of Novak's newspaper column at the Army Navy Club in Washington DC. At the event a number of people wore buttons reading, "I'm a source, not a target." Rove is at the center of a controversy about the leaking of a CIA operative's identity which originally appeared in Novak's newspaper column. (AP Photo/Lauren Shay)"
Ambassador Wilson appeared (yesterday?) on the Al Franken Show. Listen to him here and here (thanks again to C&L).
Point-by-point rebuttals of the innumerable (and often very silly) GOP talking-points on Plame here.