Honouring Sacrifice
FrontPage columnist Steven Plaut says in the article:
"In contrast, a nice critique of the Indymedia anarcho-fascists was published by the Freedom Institute of the Republic of Ireland, denouncing the Indymedia pro-terrorists. These Irish freedom fighters denounce the "anarchists" for violent rioting in Scotland against the G8 leaders meeting there, forcing police to divert manpower from London area just when they were needed there: "The regulars at the Institute for Autonomy, where most of the Indymedia UK inner circle hang out, are almost certainly unharmed, as they were engaging in recreational public disorder hundreds of miles away in Scotland and successfully diverting police resources from the capital. Well done compadres!" "
Indeed. As I wrote in the comments there:
"Date: 7/13/2005 7:47:05 PM
Name: EWI
Subject: Freedom Institute, Freedom Fighters
Comment: Well, I say that these Patriots be honoured as the Irish Republican heroes that they are!
I want to be more like them, as do many other Irish people in this Islamofascist-loving Socialist dictatorship.
UPDATE: More here, here and here from the poison keyboard of Horowitz nemesis Michael Berubé. Truly, is there no end to Liberal Hate?