Irish Times obituaries
Take Ted Heath, former (Tory) British Prime Minister, who died Sunday night. From his Monday 18th obit. in the IT, we learn such immaterial tidbits as his having been "a musician and a international class yachtsman".
But, nary a word about Bloody Sunday.
Which, you would think, could be assumed to loom rather large in his legacy from an Irish point of view. I know that we shouldn't expect much better from the Irish Times (cf. deceased Stickies, especially ones who wrote for the IT), but Madam Editor's audacity is nonetheless breath-taking.
It's left up to the Shinners to mention Derry, and Professor Ronan Fanning to remark (rather cryptically) that Heath's reputation had"nowhere to go but up" in relation to Ireland. Both are relegated to a side-panel tucked at the side of the main article.
So much for the 'Paper of Record'. Does the Irish Times have no shame?
UPDATE: More on this here