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Sunday, July 31, 2005 

Sectarian Scumbags, and Idiots to boot?

Andrew McCann over at A Tangled Bigot:

"Fr Alec Reid - the priest who decided to sup with the devil and act as the messenger boy for Provo killers. A man who, in the course of the interview, couldn't even give Ulster's clear majority the common courtesy of referring to the province by its correct name."

Ulster is the correct name of Northern Ireland? Why does anyone blogroll this pair of clowns?

"Libel"-Richard Waghorne
"Attack blog"-Damien Mulley

About me

  • An early-thirties male Irish technologist living and working in Dublin, I'm a former (recovering) member of both Fianna Fáil and the Roman Catholic Church.

    I'm not a member of any political party these days, but my opinions can be broadly categorised as 'lefty' and republican. I am also a former member of the Irish Defence Forces.

    Please feel free to check out the FI Fie Foe Fum group blog, where I was once a regular contributor, and the Cedar Lounge Revolution, where I can usually be found in the comments.

    (This blog and its contents reflect only my own personal opinions as a private citizen, and not those of any other person or organisation.)



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