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Thursday, May 07, 2009 

Walter Pincus on the decline of US newspapers

A similar article is crying out to be written for this jurisdiction.

There still seems no great public consciousness of what exactly occured with the destruction of the Press Group more than a decade ago, and its consequences for the national media. The power of INM (owned first by O'Reilly, and now by O'Brien) in the aftermath of this period means that it can seriously affect the course of politics and even elections, with no counterweights.

I defy anyone to argue that this has been a healthy development.

"Libel"-Richard Waghorne
"Attack blog"-Damien Mulley

About me

  • An early-thirties male Irish technologist living and working in Dublin, I'm a former (recovering) member of both Fianna Fáil and the Roman Catholic Church.

    I'm not a member of any political party these days, but my opinions can be broadly categorised as 'lefty' and republican. I am also a former member of the Irish Defence Forces.

    Please feel free to check out the FI Fie Foe Fum group blog, where I was once a regular contributor, and the Cedar Lounge Revolution, where I can usually be found in the comments.

    (This blog and its contents reflect only my own personal opinions as a private citizen, and not those of any other person or organisation.)



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