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Sunday, July 23, 2006 


A pair of fine upstanding Freepers have helpfully ridden in to reinforce Robert Fisk's claim about Israeli propaganda directed against Irishbatt:
"Finally, Israel’s move against Hezbollah has revealed one of the reasons behind every one’s frustration in the region of South Lebanon. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - known by its acronym Unifil—has a long history of ineptitude, laxity and corruption.

"They are barely able to take care of themselves," said Timur Goksel of the UN peacekeepers. "How can you expect them to do their work?"

The blue-helmeted UN soldiers included a poorly trained and undisciplined Irish brigade.

The Irish UN troops were jokingly referred to as the "whisky army", and Israeli-backed Christian militiamen - known by the Unifil acronym LAUIs (Lebanese armed and uniformed by Israel) – countered any effort by the Irish troops to stray far from their base at Camp Shamrock."
He's wrong on everything, even the plausible-sounding claim about the title of the Christian Phalangist militias. (They were known universally to Irish peacekeepers as "DFF" - i.e. De Facto Forces)

"Libel"-Richard Waghorne
"Attack blog"-Damien Mulley

About me

  • An early-thirties male Irish technologist living and working in Dublin, I'm a former (recovering) member of both Fianna Fáil and the Roman Catholic Church.

    I'm not a member of any political party these days, but my opinions can be broadly categorised as 'lefty' and republican. I am also a former member of the Irish Defence Forces.

    Please feel free to check out the FI Fie Foe Fum group blog, where I was once a regular contributor, and the Cedar Lounge Revolution, where I can usually be found in the comments.

    (This blog and its contents reflect only my own personal opinions as a private citizen, and not those of any other person or organisation.)



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